Restored Georgian Farmhouse

This 1754 Georgian farmhouse is a humble jewel. Prior to our client’s purchase it had seen little change for nearly a century. This aided in retaining many of the historical features of the farmhouse – the house oozes old world charm. But it also kept the house from modern living. The kitchen and baths were older than forty years, and the rear ell retained its 19th c shotgun layout. We reshaped the house to accommodate a large family wanting 21st c living. But we did so while preserving the character of a building that saw the birth of our country. We replaced the ell with one having an open floor plan for the kitchen, breakfast room and family room. Upstairs in the ell are a master suite, children’s bedrooms and family living room (for homework and computer use). The ell is twice the size of the original house; we had it defer to the old house by placing it behind the old house, keeping the roofline below the original, and shaping the ell into several smaller volumes. Craftsmanship was paramount throughout. Within the old house we restored floors, walls, beams and trim. Both guests and homeowner will enjoy the rejuvenated charm of this classic New England house, with the comforts the house now affords.


  • Winner of 2012 Raymond F. Bosworth Award by Needham Historical Commission


  • Architect: Frank Shirley Architects
  • Kistler and Knapp Builders
  • SJG Engineering
  • Photos: Randy O’Rourke