From Tired to Tudor

This home came to us worn down, outdated and deprived of architectural interest. We saved only that which zoning required, and started anew. The house sits in a lovely neighborhood of early 20th century Revivalist homes, and our client had fond memories of his childhood Tudor Revival home. The Tudor language would be that which this house would speak, inside and out. Out of the ashes arose this home with its bold, public façade standing proudly with other refined homes of the neighborhood. Old world materials and methods, forsaken today to save a dime, are embraced. But we did not turn our back on 21st century technology where it could help this house live to earn a legacy. Inside, the kitchen is the heart of the home, and the floor plan is open. Windows are large and abundant- somber interiors of yore are unwelcome here. All cabinetry, trim, and mantelpieces are designed in support of the overarching vocabulary. This house is set to please generations of owners.


  • Winner of 2019 Best Traditional Home Award by Fine Homebuilding Magazine


  • Architect: Frank Shirley Architects
  • Contractor: Kistler & Knap Builders
  • Engineering: SJG Engineering
  • Photos: Randy O’Rourke