Refining Colonial Character

This Colonial Revival home had good bones and had been cared for. Unfortunately, the house had undergone changes to the kitchen and master suite that did not improve the house. We tossed the kitchen, breakfast room, pantry, and powder room on the first floor, the master suite on the second floor, and started over. Key features of the renovation include a large kitchen, a new butler’s pantry and a sunny breakfast room. The living room was cleaned up and underwhelming cabinets were replaced with ones of more refined craft. At the second floor the master suite was turned on its head. The exterior saw only small changes. We made a few tweaks to the front entry and added a balcony for the master bedroom. The house, with fitting functionality and style, can now serve the homeowners successfully.


  • Architect: Frank Shirley Architects
  • Contractor: K&S Contracting
  • Engineer: SJG Engineering
  • Photos: Randy O’Rourke