Queen Anne for the 21st Century

Old houses have so much going for them. Their kitchens, however, fail to make the list of assets. Designed to be out-of-sight and out-of-mind, they occupy small, left-over polygons of otherwise robust floor plans. Fast forward 125 years and these demure rooms are now the center of attention. When Charles Dole, father of the Dole Food Co founder, built this handsome Queen Anne in 1885, his kitchen was like every other of the era. For the current owners that would not do. Their love of cooking and entertaining necessitated a transformation, which our office led. The old kitchen, pantry and back entry were scraped clean. The back wall was pushed out 10’ and filled with windows. The new kitchen has all of the modern accoutrements along with ample elbow room to enjoy the company of friends. More modest changes were made elsewhere, including a new mudroom, a porch and deck for entertaining, a new master bath, new built-ins and decorative lighting. This house is set to party for years.


  • Architect: Frank Shirley Architects
  • Contractor: Landmark Services
  • Engineer: SJG Engineering
  • Photos: Randy O’Rourke